Nourish and Restore Our Spiritual Selves
Participating in Moon Ceremony brings our feminine gifts (for both men and women) back “on line” after generations of suppression. We get to strengthen, and learn to trust, our intuition (knowing without knowing how we know). We are able to heal and balance our emotional bodies, releasing a rich source of vitality, and to expand our creativity into its fullest potential. All these gifts are so needed now to restore wholeness, harmony and balance to the world. Our embodied presence and intentions are our gift back to Life, and benefits all our Relations and the generations to come.
Elevate Our Consciousness
Engaging in ceremony activates higher brain capacities and rewires our programmed responses. It takes us out of the fight/flight survival level functioning and into our neocortex and prefrontal cortex functions. Those higher functions help us shift our perceptual state and access levels of reality that transcend ordinary time and space (3rd dimensional consciousness). We can leave the past behind, and step into the space of the sacred, the realm of pure potential, where all things are possible.
Power of Community and Unity Consciousness
When we gather with others who are called to remember ancient ways and wisdom, we connect with all those who have come before us, and also those who will come after us. We join in love of this Earth with all those around the world who also hold intentions for planetary healing and transformation. Ceremony amplifies and anchors our intentions into the multi-dimensional unified field of creation.
Being in the company of others of like heart and mind reminds us that we are never alone. This helps heal the wounds of separation and isolation, and reweaves us back into the greater community of life, as we remember that we truly are all One.

New moons invite us to explore what is waiting in the dark of our beings, our deepest fears and desires, what may be hidden from our conscious, every day mind. It is about new beginnings, as we are reminded that all life emerges from the dark, from the womb of creation. It is a place of pure potential. New Moons are perfect for deep contemplation, and for planting the seeds of new intentions into the field of creation. At new moons I like to work with the water element, the great connector and source of life.
Full moons bring things to light, and are about completion. When the moon is full we are invited to reflect on what in our lives is finished, what we needs to be released. I like to work with the element of fire at Full Moons. I place something into the flames that holds the energy of what is no longer serving me, so that something new can emerge into my life. When done in a conscious sacred way, fire rituals are powerful messages to the Universe of your desires and intentions. These encounters always leave me feeling lighter, more expanded, and breathing a little deeper and freer.
Download and Listen
Here is a recording of a Full Moon Ceremony to give you the flavor of how I work.

What you should Know
Who should attend?
Moon circles are ideal for beginners and experienced moon circlers alike. For those just beginning to explore feminine mystery and shamanic traditions, you can anticipate a welcoming safe sacred space. If you are new to my circles, you will find comfort in the ancient familiar concepts and rituals.
Starting in the spring of 2024, I will be holding Community Full Moon Circles in Bonne Bay, NL. Details are below. At New Moons, I use Zoom technology to host virtual circles online, so you can participate by phone or through a computer or tablet. Once you are registered you simply call or log on to the teleconference site to connect.
Circle Format
We start with a Welcome to the Circle, an overview and opportunity for people to check in. Then we move into opening sacred space and a guided ritual with either Fire or Water. The Circles last approximately one to one and a half hours, depending on the size of the group.
Starting May, 2024, Full Moon Ceremonies will be held at Water's Edge Campground, Shoal Brook, NL
These are alcohol-free community events, and children are welcome. Full Moon Ceremony dates for 2024 are:
Thursday, May 23
Thursday, June 20
Sunday, July 21
Monday, August 19
Tuesday, September 18
New Moon Ceremony will be on-line, and invitations are sent by email to those who are subscribed to my Shamanic Wisdom Newsletters. (You can subscribe below)
Most ceremonies start at 6:30 pm Eastern, 8:00 pm Newfoundland Standard Time unless otherwise stated.
There are often special Gatherings at Equinoxes and Solstices. These events are announced through my newsletters.
Ceremonies are a time to connect with your soul and nurture your connection to spirit. Whether in person or on-line, it is important to come with an open mind and heart. For virtual events, It is especially helpful to have a private place with no interruptions so you can participate fully and get the most out of the experience. If you have a drum or rattle, you can use it for the Invocation and Opening of Sacred Space.

These meditations take me deep very quickly and beautifully. The Circle holds and grounds me between moons and the messages are just what I most needed to hear. Carolyn Seely-Mayo
I notice my intuition is stronger. I love the connection I feel with the Moon and Sun cycles, and with the Galaxy. The circle feeds my spirit. MaryAnn Burrows
I was able to let go of something I'd held on to far too long. Now there's a calm strength I've never felt before. I feel rejuvenated! Linda Earle
The ceremonies help keep me balanced, non judgemental, and focused on strengthening my heart light when the shadows threaten to surround me. I feel so blessed by and thankful for the company of like-minded souls and that you share your wisdom and service in this way. Cathy Green

I want to free what waits within me...
In those deepening tides, moving out, returning
I will sing you as no one ever has.

I invite you to remember with me
How the Moon connects you to the greater cosmos and brings you into harmony with the cycles of Nature
How connecting spiritually with the Moon strengthens your Feminine wisdom and creative potential
The power of Ceremony to anchor and magnetize your desires and intentions for yourself and for the Earth
The deeply nourishing and harmonizing power of gathering in Circle
Moon Circles are offered by Donation
To receive notices of upcoming Circles, make sure
you are subscribed to my emails.