Are We ‘There’ Yet?

Have you felt a major shift in the energy since February came in? And now, whoopee, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces, like HELLO! The end of the astrological cycle and the Sun, Moon and Earth are lining up to let us shake off the old stagnant energy. Eclipses cause a major shakeup in our electromagnetic fields. And Pisces, the Great Dreamer is opening a big doorway to Birth a New Vision for your Life, for Humanity. So the energy is amped up and the parts of your life that are in alignment with your destiny are moving ahead at warp speed. The sticky bits, on the other hand loom large and in your face, can be really uncomfortable.
We can be sure that we have called those sticky situations to us (usually unconsciously) BECAUSE they will bring us to the next level of mastery. Do you know that children’s action song, Going on a Lion Hunt? It’s a favourite from my play therapy days. Children love it. I come back to it again and again. “I’m going on a Lion Hunt, going to catch a BIG one. I’m not scared!” Then there’s the river, a fallen tree, a mountain. With each obstacle a decision has to be made; go over it, go around it, or go through it. So you are getting the picture, it’s a great metaphor for our life as a Journey and all the learning we get to do.
Of course, the song continues til you are face to face with the BIG scary lion. It ends with a tremendous scrabble, as you run like mad, trying to remember the way back over, under and through all the obstacles, in the right order! Everyone falls down in a chaotic pile, out of breath and giggling.
As Rumi reminds us, the soul loves risk, and our soul is in charge of our lives, in spite of what we may think. Hence the necessity of a Lion Hunt or some version of it. And so we conspire with the Universe to bring us the very thing we wish to master. To learn to live fully and courageously we create as many opportunities as our human selves need.
Once we get this part of the game, we realize there is in fact, nothing to fear but fear itself. As we open to this truth, we can begin to play full out. To practice facing down the lion, making friends with it or we can continue trying to outrun or outwit it. I’m just saying that if what we are doing is not working it might be time to try another tactic. To dream a new, bigger vision, one that excites us and makes our heart sing. Then we will truly begin to enjoy, with all seriousness, the great game of life. Dare you!