A Great Cosmic Push
As always, I trust this message finds you well. And yet, I know how challenging and elusive that state may be to find these days. There are almost no words to describe what the world is experiencing right now. At least when we look outwards.
Unlike my usual, this will be a very brief message. (Brevity is not my strong suit, LOL.) However, one of my beloved cat companions is making his transition back home, across the rainbow bridge, which is taking my time and attention this week. For me, it is a terrible time, and also the most precious of times. Always, death can be a celebration of love and gratitude for life, and all the pleasures and potentials of embodiment. This is a good place to be, and to find peace and beauty within it.
So my dear friend, for this month I will share more about this Gemini Moon and the Solar Eclipse, which is pretty awesome energy for us all to be sitting in, during the Circle on Sunday night.
What I know is that at times like this we must turn to the wisdom of our ancestors. And to those sages, shamans and seers who predicted the very times we are living in. There we find hope, and perspective. And guidance to navigate the path ahead.
This Full Moon also marks the beginning of the second Eclipse Portal this year. It is the next energetic gateway of what is a massive historical moment for humanity. The Shift of the Ages that has been foretold. We are living through the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, a great spiritual awakening and evolutionary shift of consciousness that is sweeping the planet now. Yes, it's messy. All great creative acts are.
At this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse portal, may your deep knowing guide you to surrender what no longer serves your highest good with ease and grace. Midst the noise and confusion, may you hold peace and trust in your heart for the better times to come. May your heart, mind and body be open to receive all the love and nourishment that is flowing abundantly now from the Heart of the Cosmos. May you remember you are here to create Heaven on Earth.