Invitations to Choose Love and Serve Planetary Ascension with Me!
Dear Friend,

How are you faring these days as the forces of good and evil continue to play us one against the other? Even on my best days, when I remember who I am and what I came here to do, I can slip into the myriad emotions that stem from fear. We are at the precipice of the New Age. On the brink of our planetary ascension from 3rd to 5th dimension consciousness. I know this is why you are here at this time. And why you’re on my mailing list. You answered the call to be here to assist in humanity’s ascension. To facilitate the shift into the prophesied Golden Age. So, to be of my greatest service to you as a Galactic Starseed, Lightbringer, an Awakened One, I have three sacred offerings for you - each designed to help you expand the transformative power of Love within and be a stronger, more powerful conduit for Love on the Earth. It’s not too late to join me. And there’s something for everyone, no matter how much (or how little) time you have to invest. Lessons of the Dimensional Shifts
#1 - Weekly Breath Meditation Group; Sundays 9:00 - 10:00am Eastern
Breathwork is an ancient path to higher consciousness. The core of this meditation, which I will teach you, is an advanced yogic breath practice that has numerous benefits. It is a fundamental breath technique used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. The practice is deeply cleansing, purifying and strengthening for your body and mind. It enhances your energy body and protects you from negativity and toxic environments. This kind of work is essential in preparing your mind/body/spirit system to be able to hold and generate higher frequencies of Love. *Note that this is not recommended for those with cardiac, spinal or hernia disorders.
Participation is by donation: $9, $18, $27
Register through Paypal using the Button below OR Register by etransfer to
*Either way, please also send me an email with the details of which date(s) you are registering for. Register as often and for as many weeks as you wish. The next Meditation is Sunday, June 13th. Register with Paypal
#2 - Sacred Council for Conversations that Matter; Thursdays 7-8:30pm Eastern This is a small intimate group of up to six people, where we come together to share our thoughts, feelings, and the questions we hold in our heart about issues of personal, social, and planetary significance. For example, this question I received from a brave participant in Tuesday’s circle is an ideal one to bring to Sacred Council: “How do we energetically deal with the ‘agenda’ of the global elite? What do we want to direct to the 1% and the people fulfilling their agenda? Love? Justice? It doesn’t seem right to look the other way and not direct an energetic response to their actions/plan when it comes into our view.” We each have personal responsibility to speak our truth and demand transparency and accountability from others whose actions affect our lives. Where we have given our power away, it is up to us to take it back. And when we do this with compassion for ourselves and for all life, we are practicing 5th dimension consciousness. These are the big and necessary conversations called for now. And in my view, this and other conversations like it, are best facilitated through the intentions and principles of the ancient way of Council. Council is a non hierarchical practice of sharing what is true in our hearts in the safety of a circle of others who are listening from their hearts. The holding of the circle allows for transformation and clarity to emerge without the need to 'fix' each other or to intervene. The practice of Council also heals the isolation and powerlessness we feel and allows us to access our own inner wisdom and power to make a difference in the world. Coming together for Sacred Council Conversations will help us process and navigate 4th dimension consciousness together as the powerful creator beings we are. Participation is by donation: $9, $18, $27
Because there is a limit of 6 people per Council, I will be managing registrations manually. Please send me an email with your intention to register, and for which date(s). The next Council is Thursday, June 10.. Once your registration is confirmed, I will send you login information and payment details. Register as often and for as many weeks as you wish.
And finally … my boldest offering yet! #3 - Choosing Love & Dreaming from the Heart: An Invitation to Serve Planetary Ascension A 6-week online course, an offering that I’m making only to my Shamanic Wisdom Community (you are of course free to share it with other awakened souls in your network, but I will not be marketing this program broadly). We are in the early stages of transitioning into the Aquarian Age. An Age of higher dimensional reality that is based on Unconditional Love, Joy, Play, Gratitude, Compassion, and Harmony with all the Creation. But we cannot get there through our brain - we have to feel our way there with our courageous Heart. And yes, courage is a quality of the Heart! We will be remembering how to shift our state of consciousness and generate greater Love During our time together, I will take you through a step-by-step process that will help you source from the intelligence and power of your Heart, expand the electromagnetic field of the heart to lift into, hold, and anchor the highest vibrations possible. You will remember how to transmute all that is not Love, into Love and other 5th dimensional frequencies, such as appreciation, gratitude, caring, compassion, joy, and bliss. We become the conduit for this transmutation through our resonance at these higher levels. We become the presence of 5th dimensional Love and Unity consciousness. Shall I reserve your place in our sacred circle? About Courage When I said YES to the sacred responsibility this time round to facilitate the awakening in our ascension into the 5th dimension, I didn’t realize how brave I’d have to be or how much courage I would have to cultivate. All shackles are off now. No more playing small. No more hiding. I’m stepping beyond fear, and out of popularity into my soul’s calling to honor life and the divine destiny and potential for all life on this planet.
If you’re scared, it’s because you’ve forgotten who you are and what you are capable of. If you’re afraid you’ll be going it alone, I can tell you you are NEVER alone, have never been, and never will be. A new Soul Family has been coming together over this past year, and I believe you are in my Shamanic Wisdom Community because you are part of that new Soul Family. I have been acknowledging the courage it requires to take responsibility for my own inner authority, whose deep wisdom comes from listening to my body and my heart and I want to hold space for you to do the same, if you are willing to do so. Remember what Love can do. Join me. We begin June 1st. We gather in Sacred Circle together by Zoom weekly on Tuesdays between 7-9pm EASTERN and practice on our own daily between circles. The program fee is $363 for a one-time payment, or 3 installments of $133. I am offering the following payment options:
PayPal: Register with one-time payment OR Register with three installments. Click on the links below.
OR Send an etransfer to
Registration for this 6-week online class closes after Week 1. So there isn’t time to dilly dally. You either know you’re meant to be part of this course with me, or you’re not. And of course, both are perfect. What you can expect We’ll be learning sacred technologies for connecting with the forces of creation from the Heart, and accessing the Heart's creative and intuitive power. Prepare to meet your inner Golden Child who is forever young and lives in beauty and innocence in your Heart. He/she is waiting to offer you gifts of wonder, imagination and an oh-so-playful spirit! I will be guiding you step by step in what we have to do to facilitate the planetary ascension; the sacred play/work (I call it PLORK!) that is before us now. You will receive all the usual bonuses and gifts included in my course offerings (replays, and special audio files of our journeys and other practices, a guidebook for your notes, attendance at Full and New Moon Circles, and extended time to play in the sacred circle after-party.)These technologies have been held in the ether for eons and passed down through indigenous peoples for just this time so it could be shared among the Awakened Ones. They knew we would need this knowledge now to accomplish the ascension, and to step into the Golden Age of Light. We are indeed blessed to have made it thus far. We can thank our Ancestors, and all the Luminous Ones who are supporting us through this Great Shift. And I thank you for being on this Journey with me, and for reading this far. It’s not too late to take your place at the Circle of one or more of these offers. What is your heart calling you to choose now? (Hint, there is only one answer. It's the answer to everything we are facing now- LOVE!!) ❤️