Calling you Home
I trust this, my last message of 2020, finds you well. It's been quite a ride has it not? This year began with a Cancer Solar Eclipse setting the stage for a year we could not have imagined, yet one that changed everything, and shifted us into a New World Age. Now we are invited by the Heavens to roll to a stop, to gift ourselves with major self-care under a much softer, gentler Cancer Moon. 2020 has focused our attention on the state of our collective health and consciousness. We have been bombarded with terrifying and confusing energies and messages, stirring up our deepest survival fears and patterns. Necessary excavating. Change is difficult, painful. It forced us to dig deep, to reach out and accept help, to find strength we didn't know we had. There are many lessons and gifts in 2020, the year of global awakening. It will take time to unpack and integrate it all.
The Gift of the Caner Moon
And thank goodness/Goddess, the wheel inevitably turns. Through the Eclipse Portal, Solstice and Great Conjunction, we have birthed the New Age. We made it. Together. It is a new world we are living in now. The new forms will take time to emerge from the ashes of the old, so we must be patient.
Our feet are firmly planted onto a new timeline for our Mother Earth, and for Humanity. And now, at the end of this solar year, and moon cycle, we get to pause, to catch our breath. To bask in the comforting, nurturing energy of the Cancer Moon.
It's just the medicine we need. Grandmother Moon in her Home sign teaches us to honor the radical wisdom of our body, our first home; the sacred temple of our spirit. To enjoy the nourishment of family and tribe, the people and places that cultivate a sense of belonging.
Remember Who You Are The celestial bodies now also remind us to guard and defend our own boundaries and need for emotional and energetic safety. It is our right and responsibility to ourselves, to the great Mother who sustains us all. Why? Because we are each a sovereign being, worthy, precious and created from the purest frequency of Love and Light. You are a luminous child of the universe. No less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here. Your destiny is to remember yourself as a powerful creator, one who consciously dreams your world into being. It is a time for renewed hope, with a promise of new possibilities and innovations that benefit all of creation, as yet unimaginable to our human minds. The seeds of those dreams are stirring deep within you, and within me, within each of us. You were born for just this time.
Under the nurturing Cancer Moon, may you give yourself the time and space to rest and dream. May this holiday season rekindle your lovelight, inspire you to follow your heart and let it lead you Home. May this New Year bring renewed Hope and Possibilities for creating a Peaceful and Prosperous World for all of us.